Trustworthy Data Sharing and Management for Collaborative Pervasive Computing Environments
Trustworthy Data Sharing and Management for Collaborative Pervasive Computing Environments
(September 2004 – August 2008)
Sponsored by National Science Foundation Cyber Trust Program
Project Summary
Collaborative pervasive computing applications can greatly improve the investigative capabilities and productivity of scientists and engineers in many fields. Users of such applications usually form groups to collaboratively perform their tasks, supported by their computing devices, including desktop computers, pocket PCs, and/or smart phones, over Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET), LAN and Internet. Users of collaborative pervasive computing applications usually need to share various types of data, including experimental data, sensitive documents, multimedia data, etc. In data sharing and management, a very important issue is trustworthiness. To support trustworthy data sharing and management among groups of users for collaborative pervasive computing applications, secure group communication, trustworthy shared data discovery, flexible access control mechanisms, effective data replication, data quality assurance mechanisms, and intrusion detection mechanisms are needed. So far, little research has been done in trustworthy shared data discovery and flexible access control mechanisms for collaborative pervasive computing environments.
In this project, an innovative approach is being developed to enable trustworthy shared data service management to provide users of collaborative pervasive computing applications with the capabilities of sharing, discovering and accessing shared data with high confidence. Our approach is based on Web Services architecture, emerging OWL technology and our Reconfigurable Context-Sensitive Middleware (RCSM) and Secure Group Communication Service (SGCS). In our approach, shared data services are used to provide access interfaces to shared data. Our trustworthy shared data service management will include trustworthy shared data service specification and generation, shared data service discovery, and secure access to shared data services. Our research will generate a new trustworthy shared data service management technique, including an OWL-based trustworthy shared data service specification language, an automated service generation technique, a trustworthy shared data service discovery protocol and a lightweight situation-aware access control framework. The expected results will be implemented as a set of middleware components and services to support the development of trustworthy data sharing and management capability in collaborative pervasive computing applications.
Journal Papers
- S. S. Yau, D. Huang, H. Gong, and Y. Yao, “Support for Situation-Awareness in Trustworthy Ubiquitous Computing Application Software”, Journal of Software Practice and Engineering, Vol. 36(9), 2006, pp. 893-921. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau and W. Gao, “Multi-hop Clustering Based on Neighborhood Benchmark in Mobile Ad-hoc Network”, Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 12, 2007, pp. 381-391. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau and Y. Yin, “A Privacy Preserving Repository for Data Integration across Data Sharing Services”, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Vol. 1(3), 2008, pp. 130-140. [pdf]
Conference Papers
- S. S. Yau, Y. Yao and V. Banga, “Situation-Aware Access Control for Service-Oriented Autonomous Decentralized Systems,” Proc. 7th Int’l Symp. on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS), 2005, pp.17-24. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau, J. Liu, “Hierarchical Situation Modeling and Reasoning for Pervasive Computing”, Proc. Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded & Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS), 2006, pp. 5 – 10. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau, and J. Liu, “Incorporating Situation Awareness in Service Specifications”, Proc. 9th IEEE Int’l Symp. on Object and Component-oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC), 2006, pp. 287 – 294. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau, W. Gao, and D. Huang, “A Location-based Directional Route Discovery (LDRD) Protocol in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, Proc. 49th IEEE GLOBECOM Technical Conference, 2006. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau, and J. Liu, “Functionality-based Service Matchmaking for Service-Oriented Architecture”, Proc. 8th Int’l Symp. on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS), 2007, pp. 147-154. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau, and W. Gao, “Multi-hop Clustering based on Neighborhood Benchmark in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, Proc. 4th Int’l Conf. on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (QShine 07), 2007, pp. 262-269. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau and J. Liu, “A Situation-aware Access Control based Privacy-Preserving Service Matchmaking Approach for Service-Oriented Architecture”, Proc. Int’l Conf. on Web Services (ICWS), 2007, pp. 1056-1063. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau, and Y.Yin, “Controlled Privacy Preserving Keyword Search”, Proc. 2008 ACM Symp. on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS), 2008, pp.321-324.
- S. S. Yau J. Liu,”Service Functionality Indexing and Matching for Service-Based Systems”, Proc. 2008 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Services Computing, July, 2008, pp. 461-468.
Book Chapters
- S. S. Yau, “Trustworthy Data Sharing in Collaborative Pervasive Computing Environments,” Web and Information Security, Elena Ferrari and Bhavani Thuraisingham (eds. ), 2005, Chapter XIII, pp. 265-281. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau and D. Huang, “Mobile Middleware for Situation-Aware Service Discovery and Coordination”, Handbook of Mobile Middleware, P. Bellavista and A. Corradi (eds.), October 2006, Chapter 39, pp.1059-1086.
- S. S. Yau, D. Huang, W. Gao and Y. Yin, “Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing”, Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, B. Wah (eds.), January 2009, Vol. 3, pp. 1893-1904.
Other Publications
- L. Junwei, “A Semantic-based Service Matching Approach for Service-based Systems,” PhD Dissertation, Arizona State University, USA, 2008.
- V. Banga, “A Decentralized Situation-Aware Access Control for Service-Oriented Computing Environment,” Master Thesis, Arizona State University, USA, 2004.
Project Team
Principal Investigator:
· Stephen S. Yau, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Arizona State University
Research Associates/Assistants
· Wei Gao (Ph.D. Student in Computer Science)
· Junwei Liu (Ph.D. Student in Computer Science)
· Gautam Pohare (PhD student in computer science)
· Yin Yin (Ph. D. Student in Computer Science)
Graduate Student Volunteers
· Vageesh Banga (MS student in computer science)
· Haishan Gong (Ph. D. Student in Computer Science)
· Dazhi Huang (Ph.D. Student in Computer Science)
· Yisheng Yao (Ph. D. Student in Computer Science)
Journal Papers
- S. S. Yau, D. Huang, H. Gong, and Y. Yao, “Support for Situation-Awareness in Trustworthy Ubiquitous Computing Application Software”, Journal of Software Practice and Engineering, Vol. 36(9), 2006, pp. 893-921. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau and W. Gao, “Multi-hop Clustering Based on Neighborhood Benchmark in Mobile Ad-hoc Network”, Mobile Networks and Applications, Vol. 12, 2007, pp. 381-391. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau and Y. Yin, “A Privacy Preserving Repository for Data Integration across Data Sharing Services”, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Vol. 1(3), 2008, pp. 130-140. [pdf]
Conference Papers
- S. S. Yau, Y. Yao and V. Banga, “Situation-Aware Access Control for Service-Oriented Autonomous Decentralized Systems,” Proc. 7th Int’l Symp. on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS), 2005, pp.17-24. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau, J. Liu, “Hierarchical Situation Modeling and Reasoning for Pervasive Computing”, Proc. Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded & Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS), 2006, pp. 5 – 10. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau, and J. Liu, “Incorporating Situation Awareness in Service Specifications”, Proc. 9th IEEE Int’l Symp. on Object and Component-oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC), 2006, pp. 287 – 294. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau, W. Gao, and D. Huang, “A Location-based Directional Route Discovery (LDRD) Protocol in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, Proc. 49th IEEE GLOBECOM Technical Conference, 2006. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau, and J. Liu, “Functionality-based Service Matchmaking for Service-Oriented Architecture”, Proc. 8th Int’l Symp. on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS), 2007, pp. 147-154. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau, and W. Gao, “Multi-hop Clustering based on Neighborhood Benchmark in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, Proc. 4th Int’l Conf. on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (QShine 07), 2007, pp. 262-269. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau and J. Liu, “A Situation-aware Access Control based Privacy-Preserving Service Matchmaking Approach for Service-Oriented Architecture”, Proc. Int’l Conf. on Web Services (ICWS), 2007, pp. 1056-1063. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau, and Y.Yin, “Controlled Privacy Preserving Keyword Search”, Proc. 2008 ACM Symp. on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS), 2008, pp.321-324.
- S. S. Yau J. Liu,”Service Functionality Indexing and Matching for Service-Based Systems”, Proc. 2008 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Services Computing, July, 2008, pp. 461-468.
Book Chapters
- S. S. Yau, “Trustworthy Data Sharing in Collaborative Pervasive Computing Environments,” Web and Information Security, Elena Ferrari and Bhavani Thuraisingham (eds. ), 2005, Chapter XIII, pp. 265-281. [pdf]
- S. S. Yau and D. Huang, “Mobile Middleware for Situation-Aware Service Discovery and Coordination”, Handbook of Mobile Middleware, P. Bellavista and A. Corradi (eds.), October 2006, Chapter 39, pp.1059-1086.
- S. S. Yau, D. Huang, W. Gao and Y. Yin, “Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing”, Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, B. Wah (eds.), January 2009, Vol. 3, pp. 1893-1904.
Other Publications
- L. Junwei, “A Semantic-based Service Matching Approach for Service-based Systems,” PhD Dissertation, Arizona State University, USA, 2008.
- V. Banga, “A Decentralized Situation-Aware Access Control for Service-Oriented Computing Environment,” Master Thesis, Arizona State University, USA, 2004.
The project is sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF) under its Cyber Trust Program.
Project Team
Principal Investigator:
· Stephen S. Yau, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Arizona State University
Research Associates/Assistants
· Wei Gao (Ph.D. Student in Computer Science)
· Junwei Liu (Ph.D. Student in Computer Science)
· Gautam Pohare (PhD student in computer science)
· Yin Yin (Ph. D. Student in Computer Science)
Graduate Student Volunteers
· Vageesh Banga (MS student in computer science)
· Haishan Gong (Ph. D. Student in Computer Science)
· Dazhi Huang (Ph.D. Student in Computer Science)
· Yisheng Yao (Ph. D. Student in Computer Science)