- S. Yau, H. Davulcu, S. Mukhopadhyay, D. Huang, Y. Yao, and H. Gong, “Overview of Adaptable Situation-aware Secure Service-based (AS3) Systems”, submitted to MURI book chapter. [pdf version]
- S. Yau, D. Huang, H. Gong, Y. Yao, “Support for Situation-Awareness in Trustworthy Ubiquitous Computing Application Software”, Journal of Software Practice and Experience , 2005, to appear. [pdf version]
- S. Yau, D. Huang, “Mobile Middleware for Situation-Aware Service Discovery and Coordination”, Mobile Middleware, Paolo Bellavista and Antonio Corradi (eds.), 2005, Chapter 5.g, to appear. [pdf version]
- S. Yau, “Trustworthy Data Sharing in Collaborative Pervasive Computing Environments”, Web and Information Security, Elena Ferrari and Bhavani Thuraisingham (eds.), 2005, Chapter XIII, pp. 265-281. [pdf version]
- S. Yau, G. Goyal, Y. Yao, “Replication for Adaptive Responsiveness in Service-Oriented Systems”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2005), September 2005, pp.161-168. [pdf version]
- K. Chan, T. Y. Chen, Heng Lu, T. H. Tse, S. S. Yau, “A Metamorphic Approach to Integration Testing of Context-Sensitive Middleware-Based Applications”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC 2005), September 2005, pp.241-249. [pdf version]
- S. Yau, D. Huang, H. Gong, H. Davulcu, “Situation-Awareness for Adaptable Service Coordination in Service-based Systems”, Proceedings of 29th Annual International Computer Software and Application Conference (COMPSAC 2005), July 2005, pp.107-112. [pdf version]
- S. Yau, H. Davulcu, S. Mukhopadhyay, D. Huang, Y. Yao, “Adaptable Situation-Aware Secure Service Based Systems”, Proceedings of 8th IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC 2005), 2005, pp.308-315. [pdf version]
- S. Yau, Y. Yao, Z. Chen, L. Zhu, “An Adaptable Security Framework for Service-based Systems”, Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems (WORDS2005), 2005, pp.28-35. [pdf version]
- S. Yau, S. Mukhopadhyay, R. Bharadwaj, “Specification, Analysis and Implementation of Architectural Pattern for Dependable Software Systems”, Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems (WORDS2005), 2005, pp. 197-204.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, Y. Yao, V. Banga, “Situation-Aware Access Control for Service-Oriented Autonomous Decentralized Systems”, Proceedings of 7th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS 2005), 2005, pp. 17-24.[pdf version]
- Tse, S. S. Yau, W. Chan, H. Lu, T. Chen, “Testing Context-Sensitive Middleware-Based Software Applications”, Proceedings of 28th Annual International Computer Software and Application Conference (COMPSAC 2004), September 2004, Hong Kong, China, pp. 458-466.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, D. Huang, H. Gong, S. Seth, “Development and Runtime Support for Situation-Aware Application Software in Ubiquitous Computing Environments”, Proceedings of 28th Annual International Computer Software and Application Conference (COMPSAC 2004), September 2004, Hong Kong, China, pp. 452-457.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, D. Chandrasekar, D. Huang, “An Adaptive, Lightweight and Energy-Efficient Context Discovery Protocol for Ubiquitous Computing”, Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS04), May 2004, Suzhou, China, pp. 261-267.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, F. Karim, “An Adaptive Middleware for Context-Sensitive Communications for Real-Time Applications in Ubiquitous Computing Environments”, Real-Time Systems, 26(1), 2004, pp. 29-61.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, F. Karim, “A Context-Sensitive Middleware-based Approach to Dynamically Integrating Mobile Devices into Computational Infrastructures”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 64(2), February 2004, pp. 301-317.
- S. Yau, X. Zhang, “A Middleware Service for Secure Group Communication in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks”, Proceedings of 27th Annual International Computer Software and Application Conference (COMPSAC 2003), November 2003, pp. 29–43.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, H. Liu, D. Huang, Y. Yao, “Situation-Aware Personalized Information Retrieval for Mobile Internet”, Proceedings of 27th Annual International Computer Software and Application Conference (COMPSAC 2003), November 2003, pp.638-645.[pdf version]
- Stephen S. Yau, Sandeep K. S. Gupta, Fariaz Karim, Sheikh I. Ahamed, Yu Wang, Bin Wang, “Smart Classroom: Enhancing Collaborative Learning Using Pervasive Computing Technology”, Proceedings of American Society of Engineering Education 2003 Annual Conference, June 2003, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, Paper No. 2521.[pdf version]
- Stephen S. Yau, Sheikh I. Ahamed, “An Approach to Developing Information Dissemination Service for Ubiquitous Computing Applications”, Proceedings of 6th Int’l Symp. Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS 2003), April 2003, pp. 240-247.[pdf version]
- Yau, Y. Wang, D. Huang, “Middleware Support for Embedded Software with Multiple QoS Properties for Ubiquitous Computing Environments,” Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dependable Systems (WORDS2003), Jan. 2003, Guadalajara, Mexico. [pdf version]
- S. Yau, F. Karim, “An Energy-Efficient Object Discovery Protocol for Context-Sensitive Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 14(11), November 2003, pp. 1074-1084.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, F. Karim, “A Context-Sensitive Middleware-based Approach to Dynamically Integrating Mobile Devices into Computational Infrastructures”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 64(2), February 2004, pp. 301-317.
- S. Yau, F. Karim, Y. Wang, B. Wang, S. K. S. Gupta, “Reconfigurable Context-Sensitive Middleware for Pervasive Computing”, IEEE Pervasive Computing, joint special issue with IEEE Personal Communicationson Context-Aware Pervasive Computing, 1(3), July-September 2002, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, USA, pp. 33-40.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, F. Karim, “A Lightweight Middleware Protocol for Ad Hoc Distributed Object Computing in Ubiquitous Computing Environments”, Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2003), May 14-16, 2003, Hokkaido, Japan, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, USA, pp. 172-179.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, Y. Wang, F. Karim, “Development of Situation-Aware Application Software for Ubiquitous Computing Environments”, Proceedings of 26th IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2002), August 26-29, 2002, Oxford, UK, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, USA, pp. 233-238. [pdf version]
- S. Yau, F. Karim, “Context-Sensitive Object Request Broker for Ubiquitous Computing Environments”, Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS 2001), October 31-November 2, 2001, Bologna, Italy, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, USA, pp. 34-40. [ pdf version ]
- S. Yau, F. Karim, “Context-Sensitive Distributed Software Development for Ubiquitous Computing Environments”, Proceedings of the 25th IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2001), October 8-12, 2001, Chicago, USA, pp. 263-268.[ pdf version ]
- S. Yau, F. Karim, “Context-Sensitive Middleware for Real-time Software in Ubiquitous Computing Environments”, Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2001), May 2-4, 2001, Magdeburg, Germany, pp. 163-170. [pdf version].
- S. Yau, F. Karim, “Reconfigurable Context-Sensitive Middleware for ADS Applications in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Environments”, Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS 2001),March 2001, Dallas, USA, pp. 319-326. [pdf version].
- S. Yau, F. Karim, “Hybrid Middleware for Embedded Devices in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks”, extended abstract presented in OMG Real-time and Embedded Distributed Object Computing Workshop, July 24-27, 2000, USA.
- S. Yau, N. Dong, “Integration in Component-based Software Development Using Design Patterns”, Proceedings of 24th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference. (COMPSAC 2K), October 2000, pp. 369-374.[pdf version].
- S. Yau, “Achieving Quality Software Development for Distributed Environments”, Proceedings of First Asian Pacific Conference on Quality Software, October, 2000, pp. 169-178.[pdf version].
- S. Yau, F. Karim, “Component Customization for Object-Oriented Distributed Real-time Software Development”, Proceedings of the 3rdIEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2000), March 15-17, 2000, Newport Beach, USA, pp. 156-163. [pdf version]
- S. Yau, F. Karim, “Integration of Object-Oriented Software Components for Distributed Application Software Development”, Proceedings of the 7thIEEE Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS), December 20-22, 1999, Cape Town, South Africa, pp. 111-116. [pdf version]
- S. Yau, X. Zhang, “Computer Network Intrusion Detection, Assessment and Prevention”, Proceedings of 23rd Annual International Computer Software and Application Conference(COMPSAC 99), October, 1999, pp. 86-91.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, N. Dong, F. Karim, “Autonomous Decentralized System with Event Service for Information Services”, Proceedings of the 4thIEEE International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS), March 21-23, 1999, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 182-189. [pdf version]
- S. Yau, A. Prasad, X. Zhou, “An Object-Oriented Approach to Containing Mobile and Active Codes in Large-Scale Networks”, Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time Dependable Systems (WORDS 99), January 1999, pp. 369-373.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, B. Xia, “A Component-Based Approach to Object-Oriented Distributed Application Software Development”, Proceedings of 22nd International Computer Software and Applications Conference, August, 1998, pp. 246-251.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, B. Xia, “An Approach to Distributed Component-Based Real-Time Application Software Development”, Proceedings of First IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, April, 1998, pp.275-283.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, C. Gao, F. Karim, “Object-oriented Real-time Event Service for Large-scale Distributed Systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Middleware for Distributed Real-time Systems and Services, held in conjunction with the 18thIEEE Real-time Systems Symposium, December 2, 1997, San Francisco, USA, pp. 196-203.
- S. Yau, J. Zhu, “Intrusion Ripple Analysis in Distributed Information Systems”, Proceedings of 6th IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems, October, 1997, pp. 28 – 33.[pdf version]
- S. Yau, S. Mao, “An Object-Oriented Framework for ADS Application Development Based on CORBA”, Proceedings of third International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ISADS 97), April, 1997[pdf version]